I am always so grateful to the people who attend these functions and bring such positive energy. I am especially grateful this time to my brother David and his employer, Byer's Choice, who provided the facility for us to meet. The Byer's family is one of the most philanthropic I have ever witnessed, and it shows in their hospitality to our Beachbody Coaches and prospects. For them to get involved with us means the Beachbody Revolution has been recognized by another group of people who truly care about helping people.
During the event, a coach asked about the best way to facilitate giving Beachbody products as gifts, perhaps through the use of gift certificates. We've avoided gift certificates because accounting for the cash is not simple within a network marketing comp plan. But in the meantime, we came up with an idea not to give products away, but to ask for others to get fit as their gift to you!
"Ask friends and family to exercise for at least 30 days starting in January as their gift to you this year."
Instead of writing out a Christmas list filled with more "stuff" that you want, tell people that the gift you want is something that will help you both:
(1) They purchase a fitness program from your coach website - for THEMSELVES.
(2) You earn the commission on it
(3) They promise to follow it for at least 30 days.
Everybody wins, and it's the kind of gift that doesn't get forgotten or taken for granted.
This is people working together. This is a gift that pays you both dividends all year. What other gift can enhance and add energy to your relationship, and make people feel good about helping you and helping their own health in the spirit of keeping their holiday promise? This is it!
This would be a great occasion to sign up to host a ChaLEAN Extreme Launch Party and invite family members. Helping them add muscle to build their metabolisms back up in 2009 can be the gift you all give each other - starting with the Launch Party January 3rd.
And don't forget to subscribe to the Tony Horton One-On-One series as a gift to yourself! Here's an image from that DVD I was talking about a few weeks ago. It's only available to December subscribers of the series.
Dreams do come true...
Click to play the preview