Saturday, July 22, 2006

The Best of the Boards Is Just Showing Up

I continue to be inspired by the people who invest time and energy into a lifestyle transformation and use helping others succeed as fuel for their motivation.

This is the experience of the message boards of These boards are the opposite of the competitive gym locker room. Within this simply constructed community is a fabric of support without judgment, of firm guidance toward what works, with no expectation of perfection, and the kind of breakthroughs that are most dramatic through self-discovery.

It's the kind of support people wish their families would give them, but which comes more naturally where everyone shares a common goal and similar challenges. And it's a lot easier when there is no other agenda except mutual success.

From time to time members forward me examples of inspiration or breakthroughs which are so noteworthy, I will try to be more diligent about including them on this blog. Below is a post from one of the more exciting threads, the 100 Pound Pioneer Forum.

Standout Beachbody success story, Virginia (aka Gin) emailed me the post with this opening comment, which is so telling of the kind of heart that beats within these message boards: "I thought her comments on "magic" were great ones. Somehow I think this time she will reach her goals. I'm excited for her!"

If you have yet to dive into the boards to find real support, and experience how giving support is as empowering as getting it, this post might give you a nudge in that direction:

Posted 07-20-06 09:45 AM

Hi Everyone - haven't checked the thread in a couple of days - there is a lot to read and digest. I wanted to say a quick and ENORMOUS thank you for Gin to offering her support and wisdom to all of us. I have been 'involved', although MIA for a couple of years, with BB and Gin is someone I immediately gravitated to because, well, SHE LOST A HUNDRED FRICKIN' POUNDS and is a tireless cheerleader. For me there is always the 'I wish I could do that' factor. When you are a hundred pounds or more overweight I think it is easy to live vicariously through other people - they do all the hard work for us (me). I have realized that instead of gluing myself to those I find inspiring I must focus on being the inspiration in my own life. Gin was once where we all are - she got out there and found the answers to her questions - she didn't hide, she put herself out there and asked for help from a lot of different people. I am writing this because what Gin said about becoming potentially overwhelmed gave me an insight. I need to become part of a community - that means sharing myself - the good, the bad, the ugly - with everyone instead of whispering it to one person. It takes courage to make this journey and acceptance. If we are working out with Tony, Debbie, Chalene or our cat we have to have to courage to say "I can only do one of these *$%# leg lifts. Tomorrow I will try to do two" and not give up because we can't do all 16. (as you can probably tell by this long winded post I am working things out in my own head and hopefully this will make sense to someone and spark something in them....) I guess what I am really trying to say is, in the past, I have gone to people like Gin, and thought if I just talk to them the magic will rub off...and it just doesn't work like that. Someone else can't do this for me. Someone else's passion isn't my own. They can inspire and motivate but I need to show up with commitments I can keep and a willingness to push through some hard times. And with 100 pounds to lose, one thing I can count on is a my fair share of hard times. But what I give too little credit to is the unexpected things I will find along the way that dull those hard times. Geez. Listen to me, would ya? Thanks for helping me work this out in public, in my community.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great post! Weight loss can seem overwhelming. We tend to put sooo much pressure on ourselves to succeed! We place timelimits on our goals. And when we don't reach them, we feel like we've failed. I may not know what it's like to struggle with 100 pound to lose, but I do understand the struggles of comparing to others, not succeeding with timelimits, etc. That was my past! I now look at it as a life journey, no timelimits, no comparisons. When I reach my goal, I'll reach it....Don't know when, but it doesn't matter. I'm just doing my best and forgetting the rest. I'm unique! I have my own body shape! I'll never be a Traci Morrow, 'cause God designed me differently. I'm ok with that. Don't get me wrong, I think Traci looks fabulous!!! I'm just trying to be the best "ME". I celebrate each success as it comes. Like seeing a tricep muscle that was never there in my life! I'm 40 and to me that's a big deal!

Ontario, Canada