Saturday, May 13, 2006

It's On! Sign Up!

Yes! Tony's New York camp is (finally) taking reservations. And the page even has exciting video to show how much fun you'll have getting to rub shoulders with the Mayor of Fitnessville, Mr. Tony Horton.

Ok. Here's the bottom line. We don't make a lot of money on these events. But there is a HUGE benefit to getting people together: People ramp up their commitment to the program when they see a meeting with THE MAN coming across the horizon... and that translates into even better success stories than we thought we'd get form the next wave of Power 90 folks.

So if you're looking for a reason to press the pedal to the metal, look toward New York, Tony's packing his chaps for a weekend at the dude ranch, so KICK IT INTO GEAR!

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