Friday, June 22, 2007

Why You Could Love Being A Coach

We had a very solid week of business at and Million Dollar Body. VERY solid.

We had very strong product development. We attracted some incredible new players to help us develop new product lines. Customer service and operations performed well. We made important decision in terms of how we intend to go green across every aspect of the company. And MDB continues to impress with the quality and enthusiasm of the customer and coaches. Plus we signed some exciting promotion deals which will make our entire business more visible.

And all that gets me charged up to continue to grow the business, and to make sure that I stay true to how I want to represent the lifestyle we advocate... which means it's time to put a workout in and Bring It hard.

What I am saying is that, for me, my motivation to work out, eat right, and take my supplements is driven a lot by how it is linked to my job - and as a coach, you get to experience that very same motivation.

I was involved in a few phone calls with MDB coaches this week, and each time I got more amped about how exciting it is to hear the passion and commitment our coaches have for helping people. That too makes me want to live up to their example, and workout and eat right... to show them that it's possible to be productive with this business and still stay healthy and fit. And every time I help a prospective coach decide to sign up, I am again motivated to walk the talk, push play, and stay with it.

If you have ever been frustrated by your own motivation to live this healthy lifestyle, consider living it the way I am: Where your entire life benefits by your commitment.

And by the way, on those weeks when I am challenged by the progress of the company, that inspires me to stay healthy too. I know that falling back into old eating and lazy patterns will only heighten the challenge, and undermine my own success. Again - if I can't stay with it, I can't expect our coaches and customers to stay with it. So... I. stay. with. it.

If you're wondering whether you would enjoy being a coach, and whether it would help you to have earning potential attached to your commitment to a healthy lifestyle, know that it sure works for me. I am living it. That's one of the reasons we created the Million Dollar Body network, to give you the ability to tap into the same motivation that I have. And today when I was digging deep for those last few reps it became very clear; at age 43, there's no way I would have found this intensity if it weren't for the fact that I am surrounded by the benefits, and that makes it that much more meaningful to me.

That's the way I live it, and if you become a coach, you can too.


Anonymous said...


You have hit the nail on the head with this. I was just emailing someone the other day and saying the same types of things. I even mentioned that if I get nothing else out of being a coach than motivation to keep going it will still be worth it. I haven't had this kind of desire to keep going in about a year. Thank you for creating such a great opportunity.

fitkix said...

I am looking forward to the ability for coaching to be offered to the Canadian members.

Melissa Hudgens said...

Ever since I heard you and Chris explain the MDB opportunity last January, I have had motivation like never before. Robert and I came home fired up about the MDB business. We were talking to several people about being a coach and when I discuss fitness, I want to be honest and be able to say that i eat clean and push play 5-6 days a week. Then when Robert's before and after pictures were plastered all over the front page of our newspaper a few weeks ago, I feel like everyone looks at what is on our plates everytime we go out too eat. (Talk about having to eat clean). Robert and I love all that you have developed. Thank YOU for being a master of the Fitness Formula. ~ Melissa Hudgens