Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Expanding The Model

The network marketing model which Team Beachbody uses is doing amazing things, by giving the people who work hard getting healthy and fit the reward and incentive for sharing these solutions with people around them.

30,000+ coaches strong, two dynamics are happening right now which have us wide-eyed at the office; (1) We're starting to hear and see signs that coaches are "loading in" friends and family who see the tipping point coming, and (2) all indications are that the wave of interest and sales coming this first quarter will dwarf projections. In short; A REAL WAVE OF DEMAND IS COMING!

And now this experience of building a network marketing business and my conversations with the guys at Raincatchers has evolved into seeing how we can use this concept of people paying their success forward to expand on how they go about installing their water delivery systems.

Here is a conversation I had with RainCatcher CEO Mark Armfield. It shows how the money we give will be deployed in the near term.

But now we've already expanded on the concept. Instead of simply giving the water tank and rain catcher system to the schools, we are going to develop a curriculum around the installation. The kids will learn about the value of water, the consequences of wasting water and consuming dirty water, and they will learn about the value of helping others catch the water to create wide-spread sustainability.

We're not sure how to measure it yet, but we want to give the recipients of this water system an incentive to help install the next raincatcher system at two more locations. Sound familiar?... Paying it forward.

The goal here is similar to the way Beachbody programs work. There is no "gift" of health and fitness. It is earned through work, discipline and a good plan. The same will go for the expansion of our Raincatcher activities. The recipient will be as responsible for the installation as the people helping make it happen. And as we gain momentum within Team Beachbody, we're hoping this same concept gains momentum in East Africa and around the world!

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