Thursday, March 08, 2007

P90X Ch 10. The Birth of Confusion

This is a key meeting on the development of P90X -- this is where the X gets distinguished from Power 90. (And I have now realize that sideburns need to be trimmed more often than I thought.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am brand new to the all this...always been in gyms and working out in clubs...and to be honest I gained fifty lbs after taking off for almost seven months...

So I am out of shape...but my sone has been draging me out of the house and wanting to work out...he has never wanted to work out like this before...

So we broke the mold and probably left the planet by starting the X first...but to be honest I get bored easy and need something new all the I am hoping the x provides that...

I dont plan on mastering it and hope it provides several months of trying and learning...pluss we wanted the yoga which i never done before...and the other stuff...

So probably wont fare well at first but over time I think we will learn how to excersie and stay in shape for many years to a family...

because after years of working out and roller coaster with my weight...I am realising nutrition and eating right is just as important as the work out...I figure if we just show up and do soemthing has to be better than doing nothing for seven months ecept for eating chips and watching fifty lbs of lard buils on my body...

I will keep posting and letting you know how it goes...if for nothing else than keeping me honest