I am getting deluged with comments and notes form people who came to the Summit. WOW! I wanted to share some of the comments, because no one would believe it if I just talked about it (note who is going to get to work out with the lead singer from Chicago!)
Hey Carl. I wanted to say a huge thank you for putting together the fantastic 2 day coaching summit in Anaheim. In case you're wondering, it's Brit Boy, the strange speaking English dude who sounds a little like Danny Teeson, but not as funny ;)
To get to chat with such inspirational people such as Mark Briggs, The French's, Traci Morrow, and Perry Tinsley about this wonderful community makes me feel extremely fortunate to have found BB. What a club! What a 2 days in Anaheim!!
Jason Scheff is coming to Vegas, where I live, in 3 weeks and suggested me and him work out at the MGM! Can you believe that?? The lead singer of Chicago wants a work out buddy??? Holy cow!
I signed up finally as a coach after Anaheim, not because the potential financial rewards sounded so appealing but for the desire to help others better themselves. That is reward enough but if you want to pay us also then who am I to complain! ;)
The event at The Grove was mind blowing and I wouldn't like to be in your shoes when next years bill comes around!!!
Cheers Carl.
Mike (Brit Boy)
I just wanted to say THANK YOU for the amazing work that Beachbody is doing and for the excellent things that are coming up for all of us. It is a true blessing to be a part of a company that really cares about people and wants to see people transform their lives both physically and financially. This is SO much bigger than any one person - it's all about being a walking billboard for health and wellness, and bringing others along for the journey. Your "BIG WHY" has fueled ALL of us who came to Anaheim this weekend, and for that, we send SO MUCH LOVE AND BLESSINGS to you and your family. (Proverbs 11:24-25)
Personally, this meeting set me on FIRE, and I am ready to take Birmingham, Alabama by STORM!! Be on the lookout.... ;)
Thanks again, and we love you all so much!! Send love to all of the staff, too (they were so great)!!!
Clarissa (misscmac)
Hey Carl - it's Mason B. GREAT EVENT bro! Nice work. I'm glad I was there to get a better idea of what it's all about. Here's something from my thread I thought you'd enjoy:
What truly motivated about the summit was not the speeches, not the workouts, it was the people. From the Beach Body staff who opened doors for us, to the faces like Carl, Jon, Tony, Mason, Jason & others, and also our team members like Mark, Traci & Jay who shared their success stories to the whole group you all were and are truly inspirational and transforming. Together we all can start a worldwide revolution as Carl shared with us, and that revolution begins with us.We are the X+X Fanatics - BRING IT!
I know that you've gotten a lot of emails regarding the coach's summit, but I didn't want that to prevent me from telling you my thoughts. There are too many times that people complain about things, and not enough times when they pass on praise. Well, relax...I'm passing on the praise this time!;-) That Summit was TOP NOTCH!!! I left for California still a bit skeptical about coaching. I wanted it to be a good opportunity, and I thought it was a good opportunity. I came home absolutely convinced that it's not just a good opportunity, but THE opportunity of my lifetime. I think that only some people get the chance to be in on something huge from the very beginning. Those moments only come around once or twice...if that... in a lifetime. I've heard people describe this like being in on Starbucks before they became big, and now I know what that means. I feel it deep down in my soul that this is going to take off, and I'm SO grateful that I'm along for the ride! Now, when I approach my family, I'm going to tell them that I'm doing this with or without them, and I don't want them to come back to me in a year and say "Why didn't you tell me about this a year ago?" :D
My reasons?
1) To wake up every day excited to be doing something that I absolutely LOVE to do.
2) To be able to plan a vacation or make some other type of big purchase without thinking "Can I afford that"?
3) To be able to build a new house if we decide to do that or to remodel this one to be our dream house.
4) To bless my family, friends, and future friends with a healthy and financially free lifestyle.
5) To be able to give more away to charity. I'd love to be able to donate enough to drill a water well in Africa and travel there to watch them start it up!
6) To get to hang out with more people like those I met last weekend. I have NEVER been around a group of people who are happier, more interesting, and full of life!!!
So basically, this about tapping into this opportunity to bless my life so much that it overflows and blesses everyone around me! Thank you SO MUCH for allowing us all to be a part of this. It was something that you said in your blog in
December 2006 that got me into this. I was looking for a way to stay committed to my own fitness program, and you said "I didn't get into shape and stay there until I owned a fitness company. This is an opportunity for our customers to have the same opportunity."
I got into this as a way to stay committed to my own fitness (which has worked beautifully by the way... I've maintained my college weight of 120 even through the holidays), but it has grown to be so much more over this past year. Milan said to me right in the beginning that this was more about the person we are becoming. Well, I really like the me that I've become in this past year, and I have a feeling I'm going to REALLY like the me next year that will be headed off to the top coach celebration with you! ;-)
Judy Zavislak
Proud Independent Team Beachbody Coach