Wednesday, February 09, 2011

"Hello, This Is My Self Talking"

A couple people asked me where I get these quotes I post on Twitter and Facebook, like today:

"Where is your competitive spirit? Are you committed to achieving something TODAY? Don't settle for "taking it easy" - Go for it! Because there is no such thing as "easy". Challenge will find you at whatever level you are operating. So put your fight into creating the amazing life you want, not into simply trying to avoid pain."

I confess: This is usually my own internal dialogue which happens on days when I need to adjust my perspective or attitude. I post those thoughts on the social platform to cement the concepts for myself, and so anyone else who might need a kick start also gets the benefit, should they find any. That's the "Team" part of Team Beachbody.

Too often people look at me and assume "He's the CEO so he's always got it all together". Not true. I am human just like you, figuring it out day by day, morning my morning. Like most people, I have to constantly work at keeping a positive attitude in the midst of challenges, set backs, and silly stuff like getting to morning meetings on days when my daughter misses the bus.

And just like you, I get inspiration and education both from reading about how you deal with challenge and sharing how I rally.

That's why I am always so impressed when someone gets great results with our programs or breaks through as a coach. I know how much work it takes. It's not easy for anyone. That's why we want the people who are on the path to a healthier lifestyle to get rewarded when they inspire others to do the same. They stopped 'thinking' about losing weight and instead got their head straight, and did the work.

Success takes work. There is no way around it. And it takes a conscious approach to managing your attitude so you refuse to give up and you work in a way that attracts positive people. You need to manage the culture of yourself, so you create a positive culture around you.

So I hope my internal dialogue as I made breakfast this morning might help you. It certainly helped me. Just like for you, it always comes down to how I take action and how I manage my attitude. Today, this is how I managed mine;

"Where is your competitive spirit? Are you committed to achieving something TODAY? Don't settle for "taking it easy" - Go for it! Because there is no such thing as "easy". Challenge will find you at whatever level you are operating. So put your fight into creating the amazing life you want, not into simply trying to avoid pain."

1 comment:

A Hunter's Wife said...

It's amazing how much of a tie there is between exercise, business and life in general. You get out of life what you put into it!
Thanks for the inspiration...