Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Let's Make This "Big September"

While we didn't sign up 1,000 new coaches during the August 18th "Everybody Gets One" week promotion, the tall stack of "official certificates of achievement" waiting on my desk for signature sure looks like we picked up huge momentum! HUGE! And with that, we should cross that 11,000 coach mark today or tomorrow!

That also means we didn't give away the two trips to Mexico yet. But the momentum is irresistible, so we're actually leaving those trips on the table and upping the ante with two more by extending the challenge into September:

EVERYBODY GET ONE IN SEPTEMBER: If we sign up 2,000 new coaches between Sept 1st and Sept 28th, we will put up a potential FOUR trips to the Mexican Riviera!

Here's how it works: If we get those 2,000 coaches, anyone who signs up at least one coach from Aug 18th through Sept 28th will be eligible for one of two trips to our Top Coach trip in Mexico. And if they're upline sponsor coach also signed someone up, that coach goes too! Four trips are up for grabs! That means a coach who signs up one now who also sponsors a new coach actually has four chances to win.

As coach Traci Morrow said, "That's better than the odds of hitting the lottery!"

Let's remember, this is about spreading the word that health and fitness is achieved by supporting each other and making it as much of a habit as brushing our teeth. And by supporting each other to get into this healthy habit we really will turn around this trend of obesity!

You are the Beachbody Revolution, and for that, you coaches deserve to be recognized and rewarded.

What's impressing me about this promotion is how many people who never signed up a coach before are now already getting into the act. That means the dream is alive and well -- people simply need to help a couple of people sign up in order to get started, and then the momentum builds. Before you know it, you have helped a whole group of people tap into this system of "Play, Shake and Share" to get fit, eat right, and get paid for it!

Now it's your turn? Who do you know that needs a nudge to take charge of their life? Who is that one person that would like a little (low-carb) icing on the (low-fat) cake of being a coach? One thing I hear over and over is that the combination of the business opportunity and the prospect of going to Mexico are great motivators for staying consistent with your program -- which makes this an ideal concept for customers to sign up for. And the bottom line to all this is, we are going to continue to build this wave of support until we blow through that million coach number to help over 100 million people, and if it takes some trips to Mexico to get it in gear, so be it.

Let's keep it going gang! You are doing great work, and we are seeing it in the faces of every person who gets healthy thanks to your courage and persistence!


Anonymous said...

I recently ordered my first fitness videos, I was offered a chance to try out Team Beachbody. After accepting this offer, I was assigned a coach, and the system sent me a form email. The coach I was assigned doesn't match my needs in a coach and the system doesn't have a way to find one.

If you want coaches, and coaches of coaches, you need to make the system more user-friendly to us newbies.

Carl Daikeler said...

I asked Jemima, our Senior Manager, Coach Operations to outline what it takes for a customer to change coaches, and this is what she sent me:

<< The process for a current customer to change their coach of record is simple. We ask the customer to email our customer service team at customerservice@teambeachbody.com and make the request providing the first and last name (and perhaps the coach’s screen name) of the new coach they wish to work with. Our team will update the link in By Design, which will in turn update the coach link that appears to the customer when their sign into their Team Beachbody account.

If a customer would like a new coach but they do not have anyone picked out, we suggest that they review the coach profiles visible in the member gallery in order to locate someone who they feel has similar goals or beliefs, or who possesses a quality that would best suit that customer.

Once the customer submits their written request, the update only takes a few minutes.>>

This route is available to customers. However, once a coach is assigned to a coach, we prefer that assignment be permanent.

I hope that helps!

CT Olson said...


I recently took the challenge and decided to become a coach. Actually it's something I've been thinking about for a while, and thanks to the online forums I've been helping and consulting with others already and figured why not? The other thing is, I finished P90X and thought I should do that and become a "grad" before giving advice to others. I find myself thinking many times of the various aspects of fitness and what you're promoting and really resonating with your efforts. For instance, preventative health: fighting obesity, diabetes, heart disease, improved well-being ... even ideas with respect to the Presidential fitness challenge. I find myself thinking of some particular aspect or angle and BOOM there you are blogging about it or it's on BNN. I think it's an exciting company you have here, you're continuously improving and expanding and that's REALLY something exciting to be a part of! I'm looking forward to the many challenges ahead and of growing along with the company....