Saturday, November 27, 2010

Total Wellness Transformation: Hank's Journey - I'm Thankful

The Diary Of A 50lb Weight Loss Journey

Hank here!

I hope you are having a great Thanksgiving Holiday weekend with friends and family! The Holiday Season is officially upon us, which usually means temptation at every turn. Sugary sweets, rich, decadent treats and everything else that causes us ("me") to pack on the Holiday pounds. But it doesn't have to be that way.

You ("I") have the power to make healthy choices and to stay accountable. Last week, I talked about a new way of thinking and it certainly served me well. There was no Thanksgiving food coma for me, no second or third helpings of anything. Heck, I even avoided any Thanksgiving cocktails. Don't get me wrong, there were all kinds of food that I could have indulged in. But they just didn't appeal to me.

Not one bite of mac n' cheese, no mashed potatoes and gravy, no stuffing, no pies or cookies. I chose to enjoy some lean meat, some salad and most importantly, I chose to stay on track. I remind myself all the time that this is a marathon, not a sprint. I don't want to get obsessive about numbers on the scale or calories burned. For me, this is about a lifestyle change - hence the title of this blog "Total Wellness Transformation."

I'm eating clean and working out consistently. Each day I try to push myself a little harder, to do a little bit better than the day before. I keep focused and when I need a mental kick in the pants, I draw inspiration from the many Team Beachbody Coaches and customers who share their stories.

I feel better, I sleep better and I know I'm getting healthier, but sometimes it's only when someone else acknowledges it that it sinks in. This week, a coworker told me I need to get new pants, because mine were falling off after losing weight. The following day, I noticed that I had gotten to the smallest notch on my belt - and it still wasn't tight enough. Sometimes, it's the littlest things that make an impact. That's progress to me.

As I sit here and write this, having just completed a workout and downed a Shakeology, I'm incredibly thankful. I'm thankful for the strength and discipline to embrace a healthier lifestyle. I'm thankful to Carl and Team Beachbody for giving me the tools and support to help me succeed. I'm thankful for my progress. I'm thankful for my friends and family. And right now, as silly as it sounds, I'm thankful for all the Holiday sales going on, because I have to go to The Gap and buy some new jeans and a smaller belt - or two. Oh, I'm also thankful for this...the most food-centric, temptation-laden holiday came and went and I'm still down another 3.6 pounds!

Until next time,


Karla Reese said...

Way to go, Hank!! I, too, have had my first Thanksgiving that I exercised restraint. I have been vegan for a year (with the exception of Shakeology), and I felt nervous about Thanksgiving, but it was really easy! Stir fry and Shakeology pie! HAPPINESS! :) Battle of the Holiday Bulge challenge with my team is keeping me on track! Decide COMMIT SUCCEED!!!

Unknown said...

YOU GO HANK! Thanks for inspiring me today!

ProjectSamson said...

Great job! Stay strong.
Decide. Commit. Succeed - an important formula for results!
Momentum is key, encouragement is vital and accountability is awesome.
Bring it!